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main condition中文是什么意思

用"main condition"造句"main condition"怎么读"main condition" in a sentence


  • 主要情况
  • "main"中文翻译    adj. 1.主要的,主,全,总。 2.充分的,尽量的; ...
  • "condition"中文翻译    n. 1.状态,状况,情形;品质。 2.〔pl.〕外界状 ...
  • "condition monitor of main engine" 中文翻译 :    主机工况监测器; 主机状况监视器
  • "main steam condition" 中文翻译 :    主蒸汽参数
  • "be in condition" 中文翻译 :    身体很好
  • "be in no condition to" 中文翻译 :    身体状况不适宜
  • "condition" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.状态,状况,情形;品质。 2.〔pl.〕外界状况,周围情形。 3.地位,身分。 4.条件;【语法】条件子句。 5.【纺织;印染】含潮量;(套毛)含脂含杂量。 6.健康状态;〔口语〕病痛。 7.〔美国〕补考及格才能随班附读的规定条件;补考学科。 the condition of affairs 事态。 a man of condition [humble condition] 有身分的[身分低的]人。 the conditions of peace 媾和条件。 be in a certain [an interesting] condition 在怀孕。 be in [out of] condition (人)健康[不健康],身体好[不好];(物)保存良好[不好];合用[不合用];耐[不耐]…,堪[不堪]…。 change one's condition 〔口语〕结婚。 in [under] favourable [difficult] conditions 在顺利[困难]景况[条件]下。 in good [bad, poor] condition 情况良好[不好];健康[不健康];(物件)无[有]破损;(食品)新鲜[不新鲜]。 make conditions 规定条件。 make it a condition that 以…为条件。 make no condition 毫无条件。 on condition (that) 在…的条件下。 on this condition 在这一条件下。 on no condition 在任何条件下都不…。 under existing conditions [the present condition ] 就现况说。 vt. 1.决定;规定,作为…的条件,限定;制约。 2.改善;增进(牛、马等的)健康;调节(室内空气)。 3.使适应,使习惯于(环境)。 4.〔美国〕(若要升级)必须补考…。 5.【心、生】使发生条件反射。 6.【商业】检验(生丝,棉纱等)。 to condition public opinion 煽动舆论。 She conditioned her leaving upon the weather. 她动身与否,视天气而定。 Diligence conditions success. 勤奋为成功的条件。 the things that condition happiness 决定幸福的事物。 be conditioned by 以…为转移[条件],受…所制约。 the conditioned 【哲学】受制约物;【逻辑学】(条件推论的)后项。
  • "condition to" 中文翻译 :    习惯于
  • "in condition" 中文翻译 :    健康状况好, 保存得好; 身体好
  • "on condition" 中文翻译 :    接通条件
  • "on condition that" 中文翻译 :    如果,假使,在…条件下; 若…则;在…的条件下;只要…就; 世界上; 条件是; 条件下如果; 以…为条件; 在…情况下; 只要…就
  • "on condition that (=if)" 中文翻译 :    以…为条件,假如; 以…为条件
  • "on condition that(=if)" 中文翻译 :    以…为条件,假如
  • "on no condition" 中文翻译 :    绝不要; 一点也不,决不
  • "on the condition that" 中文翻译 :    在…条件下
  • "on this condition" 中文翻译 :    在此条件下
  • "on-condition" 中文翻译 :    电路板上调整; 接通条件
  • "for the main" 中文翻译 :    基本上, 大体上, 主要地
  • "in the main" 中文翻译 :    基本上,大体上; 基本上,大体上
  • "main" 中文翻译 :    adj. 1.主要的,主,全,总。 2.充分的,尽量的;全力的,有力的。 the main clause 主要子句,主句。 a main event =〔俚语〕 a main go 主要比赛。 the main fleet 主力舰队。 main operations 主力战。 the main pipe 总管(道)。 a main squeeze 〔美俚〕中心人物,首脑,大老板。 the main line 〔英国〕(铁路)干线;〔美国〕主血管;【电话】中继线。 by main force [strength] 全力;全靠武力[力量]。 main chance 获利良机 (have an eye for the main chance 注意抓住谋取私利的良机)。 with main strength 用全力。 n. 1.体力,气力;力〔仅用于 with might and main中〕;主要部分,要点〔仅用于 for [in] the main中〕; 2. 〔诗〕大海,大洋;〔古语〕本土 (= mainland)。 3.(自来水、煤气等的)总管;干线,干管。 4.【航海】 = mainmast;mainsail. water from the main自来水。 a water main自来水总管。 a supply main自来水总管;馈电干线。 for the main 大体上,大致,大抵。 turn on the main 〔俚语〕哭出来。 with (all one's) might and main 尽全力。 vt. 〔美俚〕把(海洛因等)注射进静脉。
  • "main-in" 中文翻译 :    后级输入
  • "alert condition(armed condition)" 中文翻译 :    警戒状态
  • "condition name condition" 中文翻译 :    条件名条件
  • "condition-name condition" 中文翻译 :    条件名条件
  • "disalert condition(disarmed condition)" 中文翻译 :    解除状态


  • The mains condition detection , self - start , and self - shutdown
  • Firstly , this article expounds the theory of synergy and presents four main conditions in order to avoid " the synergy trap "
    首先,本文对协同效应的理论进行了阐述,为了避免掉入“协同效应陷阱” ,提出了协同效应产生的四个主要条件。
  • To avoid this , the main condition for executing the body of the procedure can be pulled out to the caller , or to preserve encapsulation and ensure integrity of the logic , it can simply be repeated
  • The positive role that our country played in the peaceful unification of germany is well known . and if in its time the historical reconciliation of france and germany became one of the main conditions for western european integration , then today the partnership pursued by russia , germany and france is a crucial positive factor in international life and european - wide dialogue
  • This essay includes four chapters . the first one is about the survey of system of delisting from the angle of economic theory . the survey contains the concept , three main conditions and positive meaning of system of delisting and comparative analysis of system of delisting of main international security markets and chinese security market
  • In order to analyze the structure conditions of the company ' s products more intensively , this dissertation aimed at the representational 5 kind products of the hs medicine company respectively adopt three analyze tools , the boston matrix theory , ge matrix theory and products combination analysis to analyze the existing products from three points of view and comes to the three main conditions existing in the structure aspect of enterprise ’ s products , that is ( 1 ) if the competition ability of the rhinitis - easy
    为了更加透彻的分析该公司的产品结构情况,本论文针对hs药业公司有代表性的5类产品为对象,分别采用波士顿矩阵、通用电器( ge )矩阵法和产品组合分析法三个分析工具从三个不同角度对现有产品结构进行分析,得出企业在产品在结构方面主要存在三方面的现状,即,若未来鼻炎舒产品出现竞争力下降情况,企业将没有现金流产品来支撑公司发展。
  • The second period was that consumer credit based on bank ' s credit . the third period was the fast developing penod after world war ii * then it analyzes the main conditions of the emergence and growth of consumer credit , such as the 1evel of economy , market condition , the idea of consumers , financial condition , 1egal and regulatory environment , etc . chapter four is a research on housing credit
  • We should use this chance , establish an appropriate strategy and improve the innovation abilities of corporations . the long - term strategic target is to use about 10 years to complete the research for new medicines and then shift to " independent research and development " ; to be in the top level of the world for innovative research and development of new technology and new products in the biopharmaceutical industry ; to make china become the leading center for biotech innovation ; to set up an innovative mechanism with corporations to be the core body and relevant to the international competing situation and self developing disciplines of modern corporations ; to bring up a batch of entities with competing capacities in the market and independent exploitation abilities ; to be a leading country with great power in biotech industry . joint exploitation , improvement and innovation , dividing market into even smaller fractions , and cost minimization are the main conditions for realizing the strategic target
    本论文从分析国内外生物技术企业的发展环境和发展特点入手,阐述我国生物技术企业加强科技创新的重要性和可行性,结合国情现状研究我国生物技术企业的科技创新战略,提出我国医药生物技术产业的长期战略目标应该是“用十年左右的时间,完成新药研究向"自主研发"的转移,在新技术、新产品的创新性研发方面跻身世界医药生物技术产业的领先行列,将中国建设成为世界一流的生物技术创新中心,建立健全以企业为核心的适应国际医药竞争形势和现代企业自身发展规律的技术创新运行机制体系,培养一批具有市场竞争力和自主开发能力的骨干创新实体,成为世界生物技术产业强国" 。
  • In order to make the bilingual teaching in higher institutions proceed smoothly , this paper assumes that four relationships should be tackled : first , the relationship between language teaching and the teaching language , to make out the aims and means of bilingual teaching ; second , the relationship between the necessity and the probability , to realize the meaning and feasibility of bilingual teaching ; third , the relationship between the faculty and the quality of the students , to make clear the main conditions of the teaching and the acceptability of the learning ; fourth , the original teaching materials and the teaching methodology , to solve the effectiveness and quality of bilingual teaching
  • The high similarity in shapes and large overlapping areas of corresponded contours on adjacent cross - sectional are main conditions in reconstructing surface correctly . in accordance with the disadvantage of blurring caused by traditional gray - level interpolation methods , this dissertation introduces a method to interpolate 3d images based on point matching approach to get 3d isotropy volume data . with respect to non - similar shapes or no superposition of corresponded contours on adjacent slices and concave contours , this dissertation presents a method for shape - based interpolation based on nonuniform scale bounding box
用"main condition"造句  
main condition的中文翻译,main condition是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译main condition,main condition的中文意思,main condition的中文main condition in Chinesemain condition的中文main condition怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。